Thoughts and Prayers

November 22, 2021

A common—very common—expression nowadays is our “thoughts and prayers are with you”. Now there need be no concern about the first part. When the line is used, someone is certainly thinking about the matter, well, almost certainly. Maybe the concern is a little shallow. Who knows? The second part, however, does need a second look.


Really? Is there a prayer with the thought? Is someone really praying? Or is the whole thing just a glib slogan? Let’s give credit when and if we can. Accept the words. Accept that someone is thinking about something. There are thoughts. But is there enough thought that their mind seeks divine involvement. Prayer is a request. What is being requested? I suggest healing.


We may, I believe, always ask for healing. We ought not ask God to change history, to make things as they were before something happened, but after an event, we may ask that the effects: suffering, despair, misery, fear; be softened, alleviated, healed to some degree. 


The world has long known of various efforts to make life better for some; monasteries, convents, etc. But in the end, we all live in a fallen world, and we ought rise and heal, as God permits. To that end we should always be able to truly say to all, “our thoughts and prayers are with you”.

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