Command Center

April 16, 2021

There is one near you. The orders are not printed out, nor is there a single commander, but we do as we are told even though we usually don’t realize that we are.  We are following orders, commands.


The commands come in two forms, explicit and suggestive. The former are clear and forceful. Their intent is the happy life. “Buy this. Buy that. Rent this. Rent that. Go there. See that. Do this.” Over and over, we are told to do something. Over and over, the command center sends out specific orders for us to do something, and if we do it quickly we will get some reward:  more of the same, a discount next time,  a credit for something, a notice of future bargains. These commands are clear and forceful. It is time to act, not to say maybe or I’ll think about it. Now.We can say no, but it’s easier to not think about it and just go along. Let the Center channels do their work.


The other commands, the subtle hints and suggestions, are the  appearances and actions of the players, the actors who perform in the commercials and advertisements, the actors who have just told us to do this and do that. Now we look at their clothes, listen to their voices, watch their movements. We will imitate. We don’t think much about what we are doing,  but we obey, like sheep. We go into stores, and deep within, unacknowledged, we receive the directions. “That looks good, buy it. That will match, buy it. Fred got one. Get this one. It’s better.”


Who knows? Maybe the Center is at work even as we sleep? Maybe dreams come into play.? Whatever, while we are awake, the television set is almost always there, no end of channels, sending out commands and orders.

Thoughts 25--Command Center.pdf
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