The Golden Rule

May 31, 2020

"Do unto others...."

             —Micah 6:8


It is hard to be good. One reason is that it is hard to know what good is. There are different notions, all of which it seems, have their limitations, and all of which can provoke strong opposition, or, at least, loud argument. But there is one idea of a good that has been around for a long time and has been generally accepted. We call it The Golden Rule, and in a particular way, it’s time has come.


The present Covid 19 inspired practice of wearing masks calls us to be good, to practice the Golden Rule,  for the mask primarily protects not the wearer of the mask, but the person facing the wearer, not you but the other.  Wearing a  mask, unpleasant as it often seems to be,  causes us to treat others as we want to be treated. Help others avoid infection. That is the Golden Rule. 

Thoughts 2--The Golden Rule.pdf
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