Two Ways

January 13, 2021

It is the old story put so well by Lord Acton in 1887, “Power Corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” I wrote about it in the first Whisper in December,2014. You may find it on the website and I encourage you to  find it and think about it, for it is the way the world works, and it seems to me our present world is an arena, a cascade of misused power.


We will, as human personalities, disagree often, and we will do what we can to have our views prevail. That is entirely natural, but it brings in two different ways of life. One way is found in the teachings of Jesus wherein He tells us to give way to the other whenever we can, to give to those in need, to return good for evil, to forgive those who have hurt us, and on and on. (If today’s world, the one you see hour after hour on television,  becomes a little hard to ignore, try reading Matthew 5, 6, and 7.)


The other way, the one Acton talked about,  is to  have our way, to do what we can to overcome the other however the other might resist, to use what means we can to prevail over the other, and if the other is injured or harmed as we force our way, well, that’s life. But I urge you, and I think Acton would also,  to seek and find a better life, the Jesus life.

Thoughts 14--Two Ways.pdf
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