We say that fiction is not true, that it is false, but that is not always true. Stories that are false may describe existing things in imagined ways or may describe people, places and events that never existed, but the fabrication is intended to set forth some truth about those subjects or about anything else in the universe. Some fiction, certainly, gets nowhere near that. It is just entertainment froth, but even the emptiest could have some lesson for some people. It might, in fact, be said that any fiction, though not true, has its purpose, and to the extent that it achieves that purpose, it is not false, but true.

A story of progress

Adobe Acrobat Document 53.2 KB

A visionary fable

Adobe Acrobat Document 53.3 KB

A story of partings

A Gulf Too Wide to Cross.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 59.6 KB

An unusual Christmas story

Baggage Man.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 35.4 KB